North American Hops

North American hops tend to be big, flavourful, and fruity. Many of them also have high alpha acids as well. Ubiquitous in modern IPAs.
from $1.59 CAD $3.19 CAD
from $1.85 CAD $3.69 CAD
from $1.75 CAD $3.49 CAD
from $2.99 CAD
from $1.49 CAD $2.99 CAD
from $1.75 CAD $3.49 CAD
from $1.65 CAD $3.29 CAD
from $1.90 CAD $3.79 CAD
from $4.59 CAD
from $1.75 CAD $3.49 CAD
from $1.60 CAD $3.19 CAD
from $1.55 CAD $3.09 CAD